
How to buy crypto in Japan?

To purchase crypto assets in Japan, you will need to sign up with a Japan exchange that accepts your JPY currency or cryptocurrency. Most exchanges require a Japan bank account, debit card, or credit card. The reason for different choices here is that the fees involved are lower for Japan bank accounts.

What is the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in Japan?

Coincheck is one of Asia’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges and processed the highest volumes of Bitcoin trading in Japan over the course of 2017. As of August 2016, the exchange had over $160 million transactions per month.

When did cryptocurrencies become legal in Japan?

Japan legalized cryptocurrencies as a means of payment in April 2017 and all crypto exchanges are required to register with the FSA. On Dec. 1, 2017, DMM Bitcoin, Taotao (formerly Bitarg), Bitgate, and Xtheta were registered. Bitocean followed suit on Dec. 26.

Can you buy bitcoin in Japan?

Yes, you can buy bitcoin safely and anonymously by using P2P (Peer to peer) exchanges like Bisq, Paxful, LocalSwap and LocalBitcoins. Can you buy bitcoin futures in Japan? Yes, popular Bitcoin futures exchanges like Bitmex, Deribit, and FTX enable users to long or short BTC with up to 100x leverage.

